Guide to Contributors
The Editorial Board welcomes contributions on all aspects of Southern African Development Community (SADC) law or legal themes of relevance to the SADC legal fraternity.
Contributions should be sent electronically to the Editor-in-Chief ([email protected]), the Managing Editor ([email protected]), or the Associate Managing Editor ([email protected]).
Submissions are to comply with the following requirements:
- All contributions are to be in English.
- Submissions need to be original, unpublished work. The Editorial Boardmay under exceptional circumstances accept an article that has already been published elsewhere, provided that the author provides the Boardwith a letter from the publisher permitting the publication and reverting the copyright to the SADC Law Journal Trust (SADCLJ Trust).
- All authors whose contributions are to be published in the SADC LawJournal (SADCLJ) by the submission thereof ipso facto waive copyrightas author in favour of the SADCLJ Trust.
- Electronically sent contributions should be submitted in the form of an attachment in any version of MS Word.
- The Editorial Board accepts articles, shorter notes on any relevant legal issue, case comments, and book reviews.
- Articles should normally be between 6,000 and 12,000 words, while notes and case reviews can be between 1,500 to 3,000 words. Book reviews should not exceed 3,000 words.
- The SADCLJ House Style Guide is available on the SADCLJ website at
- Once a contribution has been accepted for publication, authors need to cooperate with the language editor and comply with his/her deadlines.
The Editorial Board will submit all articles to referees who will determine the desirability of their publication. Articles will be submitted to referees without disclosing the name of the author. The content review process usually takes about six weeks. Authors will be informed of the result of the content review. Submissions will then be subjected to a technical/language review, with feedback to authors.
The closing date for submissions for the 2012 edition is 31 October 2011. Authors of new publications are encouraged to submit them for review, but are not entitled to solicit reviews from reviewers of their choice or to influence the decision of the Editorial Board on whom to approach for such a review.
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Tel.: +264 (61) 225 568
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